resolution large

Vladimir Dergachev volodya at
Thu Feb 24 10:52:25 PST 2005

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Neil on Xorg wrote:

> Hi, 
> I don't know if I joined the right mailing list. I got my X to be displayed 
> on my hdtv @1920x1080 interlace resolution. However, the image or a terminal 
> screenis larger than my hdtv screen. I am not able to see the title bar of 
> it, I don't see the taskbar either. I don't know if there is a fix for this 
> but I would be glad if someone can help me. I've research and found out that 
> they call it overscan. 
> Please help 
> Neil

   1. This depends on your video card or whatever you use to display on
      HDTV. There might be an option to shrink the visible area.

   2. This issue is also common with plain analog TV displays, the solution
      being to not display text in the area that might get swallowed by
      overscan. (Really, that's what people do.) Different TV sets have
      different overscan areas.


                               Vladimir Dergachev

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