radeon twinhead - washed out color on one of them.

Mark Davies mark at mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Mon Jul 4 19:16:08 PDT 2005

We have various different twin headed radeon cards with pairs of analog lcd 
monitors attached to them and they all suffer the same problem - colors on 
one of the monitors are "washed out".  Different light greys and light blues 
especially are hard to distinguish and hard to distinguish from white.  Its 
not a monitor issue as swapping the monitors over the problem stays with the 
port and its not something you can compensate for with the monitor settings. 

It appears to be a problem with analog monitors connected to the DVI port (via 
a converter).

eg a radeon 9600 card with a DVI and VGA connector, pair of viewsonic ve700's 
connected.  Xorg.0.log reports in part:

(II) RADEON(0): Primary:
 Monitor   -- CRT
 Connector -- DVI-I
 DAC Type  -- TVDAC/ExtDAC
 TMDS Type -- Internal
 DDC Type  -- DVI_DDC
(II) RADEON(0): Secondary:
 Monitor   -- CRT
 Connector -- VGA
 DAC Type  -- Primary
 TMDS Type -- NONE
 DDC Type  -- VGA_DDC

The primary monitor suffers the problem.  If I attach a DVI capable monitor to 
it then its fine.

Another example: a radeon x300 with a dongle on it that has a pair of vga 
connectors and a pair of Dell E173FP monitors.  Xorg.0.log reports:

(II) RADEON(0): Primary:
 Monitor   -- CRT
 Connector -- DVI-I
 DAC Type  -- TVDAC/ExtDAC
 TMDS Type -- Internal
 DDC Type  -- DVI_DDC
(II) RADEON(0): Secondary:
 Monitor   -- CRT
 Connector -- DVI-I
 DAC Type  -- Primary
 TMDS Type -- External
 DDC Type  -- VGA_DDC

again the primary has the problem.  I really don't understand why there should 
be a difference between the two in this case as everything external to the 
card is identical.

Don't see the problem on single headed radeon x300's where vga monitors are 
connected to the single DVI connector.

Is this a configuration problem?  I currently have no Options set as nothing 
leaps out at me as being relevant (or didn't seem to make any difference when 
I tried it) so everything is defaulting.  Ideas?


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