Stopping DNS requests

Glynn Clements glynn at
Fri Jul 22 20:58:42 PDT 2005

paul rogers wrote:

> > Regardless of whether or not the kernel supports IPv6, some clients
> > and libraries will attempt to perform canonicalisation using an IPv6
> > query first, then IPv4 if the IPv6 query fails.
> This is an LFS based system, so I compile everything from scratch. Is
> that optional? For the time being I'm not aware of any need for IPv6
> support. I don't think my ISP supports it, my LAN doesn't.

I use Gentoo, which has an "ipv6" USE flag. I compile everything with
"-ipv6", which disables it. Some packages might require an explicit
--disable-ipv6 (or similar) flag.

Gentoo's xorg-x11 ebuild handles the ipv6 as follows:

	if use ipv6; then
		# In case Gentoo ever works on a system with IPv6 sockets that don't
		# also listen on IPv4 (see config/cf/X11.tmpl)
		echo "#define PreferXdmcpIPv6 YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}

	use_build ipv6 BuildIPv6

Where the use_build command will run either:

	echo "#define BuildIPv6 YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
	echo "#define BuildIPv6 NO" >> ${HOSTCONF}

depending upon whether the ipv6 USE flag was defined.

[NB: ${HOSTCONF} is "config/cf/host.def"]

So, I suspect that you need to add:

	#define BuildIPv6 NO

to config/cf/host.def.before building X if you don't want IPv6

> > Note that the client isn't interested in the IP address which is
> > returned, but in the canonical hostname which is returned along with
> > it.
> I haven't found an understandable "HOWTO" for doing that in /etc/hosts
> yet, if you would have a reference. 99% of the time my "network"
> consists of the workstation and the (LEAF-Bering) firewall/gateway, my
> LAN's "server" isn't running. So I have tried to set up everything to
> resolve by files.

I haven't found anything authoritative, but I did come across this:

which suggests that something like this:

	::FFFF: local-host.local-domain

in /etc/hosts may work.

Even if you manage to disable the IPv6 usage within X, it's probably a
good idea to figure out how to stop IPv6-enabled hostname
canonicalisation from performing a DNS query. It's quite likely that X
won't be the only thing which does this unless you forcibly disable

> > Does it happen if you use "x=xterm startx" or "x=twm startx"? Or even
> Yes, in both cases.
> > something simpler, e.g. "xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/xlogo"? If it also
> No, neither when I run just "Xorg".

But I bet that "startx /usr/X11R6/bin/xlogo" does cause it; see below.

> > happens in those cases, it looks like it's the X server.
> I had thought it was something that happened down the startx thread.

Hmm. My "startx" script calls a couple of things which may be relevant:

1. "hostname -f"
2. xauth.

You said earlier that "hostname -f" doesn't cause it, but looking at
the source code for recent versions of xauth indicates that it will
try to perform IPv6 lookups using getaddrinfo() if IPv6 support is

Try running e.g. "nm -D /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth"; if "getaddrinfo"
appears in the output, your xauth binary was built with IPv6 support,
and will try to use IPv6 lookups for hostname canonicalisation.

> > If it only happens when you run blackbox/fluxbox, then it would appear
> > to be one of those programs (or a library which they use).
> I'm using the same installations I had when running XFree86-4.2.1, and
> they didn't then.
> I still have the source/build directories online, would the xmakefile
> be helpful?

Checking whether "nm -D .../xauth" shows a dependency upon getaddrinfo
is likely to be the most reliable test of whether IPv6 support was

Glynn Clements <glynn at>

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