Xglx (partial) success story
Francesco Biscani
biscani at pd.astro.it
Fri Mar 18 16:44:10 PST 2005
On Thursday 17 March 2005 03:00, David Reveman wrote:
> I think that most performance problems are related to the offscreen
> memory management I have in Xgl. We should be able to get the memory
> management working A LOT better but I'm not putting too much effort into
> it, right now, as once we have drivers that support
> GL_EXT_framebuffer_object it's not going to be used anyway.
Nice to hear that!
> You shouldn't get artifacts, any artifact you get is a bug in Xgl. I've
> committed some code earlier today that should fix some issues. You might
> want to give it another try.
I've tried with today's CVS sources and the situation has improved. Now in KDE
the only artifacts I'm getting are on the top bar of each window (I mean the
top part where you have the buttons to close, minimize, etc.): there I see
strange stripes and funky colors. I'm using the Plastik windecoration, which
has some fancy flashing effects for window buttons, maybe that is the
culprit. Also a strange artifact I'm getting is on plain xterm, it seems like
every input from me gets borked: the "header" of the bash (user at hostname) is
ok, but when I type something it gets displayed into strange characters.
Konsole and Gnome-terminal work fine though :?
On a side note, I'm curious about the expected requirements to run reasonably
well Xglx with transparencies and shadows. What kind of cards can be expected
to work well when all the pieces of the big picture are in their places?
Best regards,
Dr. Francesco Biscani
Dipartimento di Astronomia
Università di Padova
biscani at pd.astro.it
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