Recent change to Xprint/attributes.c breaks build

Adam Jackson ajax at
Tue May 3 09:49:23 PDT 2005

On Tuesday 03 May 2005 12:02, Felix Schulte wrote:
> <On 5/3/05, Kean Johnston <kean at> wrote:
> > A recent change to Xserver/Xprint/attributes.c breaks the build for
> > me. Its due to a call to pread(). Is there no other way of dealing
> > with the issue that caused this change?
> Can you ask in bug #790, pls?
> > I can imagine many older
> > systems not having pread() available.
> pread() is POSIX AFAIK. Has SCO no way to read from files without changing
> the file offset? 

pread() is Unix98, not POSIX.

It's perfectly possible to emulate pread:

off_t saved = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET);
read(fd, buf, count);
lseek(fd, saved, SEEK_SET);

Granted it's a few more system calls and it's not reentrant, but it works.  I 
would suggest that we add this to os-support/, since it's easy to emulate and 
part of a relatively well-adopted standard.

- ajax
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