Trident CyberBladeXP4 status?

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Tue May 10 13:03:19 PDT 2005

>>>>> "AD" == Alex Deucher <alexdeucher at> writes:

AD> it looks to be some sort of stride register since
AD> pScrn->displaywidth is being written to it.

I think it's setting the clipping window.  The other write to 0x2150
writes the same thing, but 0x2150 is the "texture function".  I think
there's a typo, because 0x2158 is another clipping window with the
same layout.  I made that change and commented out the write to the
mystery 0x2126 register (which is half way through a 32-bit register
that only has the lower byte defined).  It works and looks fine but if
I add acceleration functions it dies in the blitter.

Anyway, there's little point in giving a blow-by-blow of my bumbling
in the dark; unless someone wants to read it, I'll be quiet now unless
I have something useful to report.

 - J<

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