2D is not (repeat, not) expendable (was: Re: Xegl lives!)

Alan Cox alan at lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk
Wed May 25 08:06:51 PDT 2005

On Mer, 2005-05-25 at 09:10, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> That means distros will have to ship 2 servers, Xorg and Xegl. Because
> users want to use newer distros on older harware (I still use my 2D-only
> laptop with newest Ubuntu, it performs rather well and would cost way
> more than $10 to upgrade).

It isn't that long ago that there were different servers for things like
S3, 8514 etc before XAA came into being and unified things. Having two
server drawing cores isn't a worry IMHO, providing they have the same
functionality. The moment apps work differently on each all hell breaks
loose because you have a lot more to debug.


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