ACPI integration

Alan Hourihane alanh at
Mon Oct 3 02:31:43 PDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-03 at 11:14 +0200, Pierre Ossman wrote:
> New versions of xorg seem to have better integration with ACPI by
> talking to either acpid or directly with the kernel. On fedora this
> causes problems.
> Since fedora uses a graphical boot, the X server will have opened
> /proc/acpi/events, causing the startup of acpid to fail. For some reason
> it is only opened during the graphical boot, not by the "normal" X
> server. So I'm guessing there's a way to control this behaviour.

ACPID needs to be running before the Xserver starts. 

The Xserver will try to open /var/run/acpid.socket which is what acpid
provides when it's started. If the Xserver can't open it, then it will
open /proc/acpi/events directly which causes acpid to fail.

So really, acpid should be moved up in Fedora boot process.


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