Poor graphic performance on java apps

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Mon Oct 10 13:28:33 PDT 2005

Le lundi 10 octobre 2005 à 21:47 +0200, Helge Fredriksen a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm a java developer using the IntelliJ idea IDE. I had a dream once
> that I could switch to Linux, but it seems that the X is the
> bottleneck. The IDE (and also the Swing clients I'm developing) has
> really bad resposiveness compared to what I'm used to on Windows. 
> Anyway I could tune the X system to speed it up, or is it hopeless?
> Any alternatives to X on Linux that supports Java Swing?

Before you decide it's X on Linux fault, have you checked eclipse
responsiveness in Fedora Core 4 ? (I say eclipse since that's the java
IDE included in Fedora Core, nut it's not using swing).

The truth of the pudding is Sun has a love-hate affair with Linux and
the Swing part of Java sucks big time on this platform. Font management
for example is still not able to use fontconfig even though all major
distributions switched to this font backend years ago.

Linux is slowly turning into a nice Java dev platform, except it will be
gcj/harmony based, since Sun managed to disgust pretty much everyone
with its Java implementation. It's kind of sad - only major consumer OS
with not .net affinity, and they tried very hard not to make it a solid
Java platform.

Nicolas Mailhot
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