XShape example?
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
raster at rasterman.com
Sat Oct 29 02:34:53 PDT 2005
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 03:42:53 -0500 Matt Garman <garman at raw-sewage.net> babbled:
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 01:38:59PM +0900, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 23:20:17 -0500 Matt Garman
> > <garman at raw-sewage.net> babbled:
> > > eyes looks as though it's transparent). [BTW, I know it's not true
> > > transparency, but as long as it *looks* transparent, that's good
> > > enough for me.]
> >
> > it is true transparency. no pixels exist in the "shaped out" areas
> > - you see right through it - events go through the holes too. its
> > the oldes form of transparency x has - but effectively only
> > provides 1 bit of accuracy :) (i wont go into how its implemented
> > with rectangle lists) :)
> Ahh, now that I have a working example, I see that it is in fact
> true transparency.
> When you say that this is the "oldest form of transparency x has",
> does that imply there are *better* ways of doing transparency?
xcomposite +compositing manager +xrender +32bit visuals. - but only supported
in the absolute latest and even then buggy/iffy and may be dead slow. not
something i would RELY on yet.
> As a general disclaimer, I'm just getting into Xlib programming, so
> it's safe to assume total ignorance on my part!
use shape first. u dont want to know fo the complexity of the other stuff yet :)
> > see where you draw the rectangles - you want to ALSO draw them to
> > the shape pixmap and combine that shape pixmap (again) as when you
> > SET the shape its SEPARATe from the pixel contents of the window.
> > you set up a blank shape (nothing in it). you want to fill it with
> > 1 rects of value "1" (0 == blank in the mask, 1 = visible). you
> > can also set the shape rectangles directly if that tickles your
> > fancy :)
> You are a godsend, thank you so much! I've been struggling with
> this for so long now (does this stuff take a while for everybody?
> Man, I hope so, and please don't say otherwise if only for my ego!).
i've been doing xlib stuff for about 9 years now. iu still learn new stuff
every day i didn't know :) writign a wm teaches u a lot fo xlib - fast, via the
"way of pain". writing a toolkit (gtk/qt) is the other "way of pain" to
learn :) somewhere betwene tooplkit authors and wm authors - u might find
peolpe who know most of x from the xlib/client side. but still - they will miss
bits :)
> Anyway, I have a working version of the program now. I'm not sure
> if I'm doing it 100% correctly, but it does work as advertised!
> I'll take that as a victory, given the amount of time I've spent
> trying to get it to work (and not knowing where to get additional
> information).
reading LOTs of source helps. personally i have scriunged the source of
multiple wm's (including my own when i forget how something was done and i need
it later), some toolkits and any other source i can find.
> I've attached the little sample program below; hopefully it will be
> useful for posterity (if nothing else!).
> Thanks again!
> Matt
> --
> Matt Garman
> email at: http://raw-sewage.net/index.php?file=email
> /* This program creates a transparent window (using the XShape
> * extension) and draw four white (opaque) squares in each corner of
> * the window
> */
> #include <string.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <X11/Xlib.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <X11/Xutil.h>
> #include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
> /* size of the window */
> #define W_WIDTH 640
> #define W_HEIGHT 480
> /* size of the four rectangles that will be drawn in the window */
> #define R_WIDTH 80
> #define R_HEIGHT 60
> /* the four rectangles that will be drawn: one in each corner of the
> * window */
> XRectangle rectangles[4] =
> {
> { 0, 0, R_WIDTH, R_HEIGHT },
> };
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
> Display *dpy;
> Window w;
> Pixmap pmap;
> GC shape_gc;
> GC win_gc;
> XGCValues xgcv;
> int run = 1; /* loop control variable */
> /* open the display */
> if(!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(getenv("DISPLAY")))) {
> fprintf(stderr, "can't open display\n");
> return EXIT_FAILURE;
> }
> /* create the window */
> w = XCreateWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0, 0, W_WIDTH,
> W_HEIGHT, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput,
> CopyFromParent, 0, NULL);
> /* create a graphics context for drawing on the window */
> xgcv.foreground = WhitePixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
> xgcv.line_width = 1;
> xgcv.line_style = LineSolid;
> win_gc = XCreateGC(dpy, w,
> GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle, &xgcv);
> /* create the pixmap that we'll use for shaping the window */
> pmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, w, W_WIDTH, W_HEIGHT, 1);
> /* create a graphics context for drawing on the pixmap */
> shape_gc = XCreateGC(dpy, pmap, 0, &xgcv);
> /* register events: ExposureMask for re-drawing, ButtonPressMask
> * to capture mouse button press events */
> XSelectInput(dpy, w, ButtonPressMask | StructureNotifyMask);
> XMapWindow(dpy, w);
> XSync(dpy, False);
> while(run) {
> XEvent xe;
> XNextEvent(dpy, &xe);
> switch (xe.type) {
> case ConfigureNotify:
> printf("ConfigureNotify\n");
> /* whenever we get an expose, draw the rectangles */
> XSetForeground(dpy, shape_gc, 0);
> XFillRectangle(dpy, pmap, shape_gc, 0, 0, W_WIDTH,
> XSetForeground(dpy, shape_gc, 1);
> XDrawRectangles(dpy, pmap, shape_gc, rectangles, 4);
> XFillRectangles(dpy, pmap, shape_gc, rectangles, 4);
> XSetForeground(dpy, win_gc, WhitePixel(dpy,
> DefaultScreen(dpy)));
> XDrawRectangles(dpy, w, win_gc, rectangles, 4);
> XFillRectangles(dpy, w, win_gc, rectangles, 4);
> XShapeCombineMask (dpy, w, ShapeBounding,
> 0, 0, pmap, ShapeSet);
> XSync(dpy, False);
> break;
> case ButtonPress: /* quit if a button is pressed */
> printf("ButtonPress\n");
> run = 0;
> break;
> default:
> printf("Caught event %i\n", xe.type);
> }
> }
> XFreePixmap(dpy, pmap);
> XDestroyWindow(dpy, w);
> XCloseDisplay(dpy);
> return 0;
> }
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------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler) raster at rasterman.com
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)
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