test intel git repo, with modesetting

Felix Kühling fxkuehl at gmx.de
Thu Apr 6 17:39:02 PDT 2006

Am Donnerstag, den 06.04.2006, 15:14 -0700 schrieb Keith Packard:
> This could be set up immediately and let people start using it before
> we
> move any repositories; I know that non-developer access is a pain when
> you have multiple different SCMs in force. 

What is different about developer access with multiple different SCMs.
Often enough module dependencies and incompatibilities will force you to
have more modules from SCM than the one you're working on. So if we
transition to git, I'd vote for going the whole nine yards and doing it
for all modules at the same time. This reduces complexity for developers

Just my 2¢. They don't weigh much either given how little code I'm
contributing lately. ;-)


| Felix Kühling <fxkuehl at gmx.de>                     http://fxk.de.vu |
| PGP Fingerprint: 6A3C 9566 5B30 DDED 73C3  B152 151C 5CC1 D888 E595 |

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