XChangeDeviceControl/XGetDeviceControl ?

Daniel Stone daniel at freedesktop.org
Sun Apr 16 11:17:49 PDT 2006

On Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 11:02:09PM +0400, Andrew Zabolotny wrote:
> ... and while debugging my stuff I got a strange situation: the
> DEVICE_INIT phase is invoked for all devices, but DEVICE_ON is invoked
> only for devices marked as SendCoreEvents. Is that a bug in X.org 7.0 ?
> This bug makes useless any input devices that don't emit core events ...

It's up to the DDX to decide when to call DEVICE_ON.  It's entirely
valid behaviour for a DDX to call DEVICE_INIT at startup (as from
InitDevices), but not to call DEVICE_ON until a device has been
explicitly opened by XOpenDevice.

I assume this is what Xorg does, but I haven't had a chance to look yet,
mainly because its input handling is a total nightmare.

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