Xlib moved to git

Adam Jackson ajax at nwnk.net
Mon Feb 20 07:05:26 PST 2006

On Sunday 19 February 2006 15:40, Keith Packard wrote:
> In this particular case, we want to provide two parallel versions of the
> same library, an XCB version (as discussed at the X developers
> conference) and the existing version. Without some reasonable revision
> management, it wasn't going to be easy to deal with.


The proposal I put forth at xdc was that the current, classic-style Xlib would 
become the Xlib 1.0 stable branch, and that the XCB merge would become Xlib 
1.1.  This is completely within the admittedly anemic capability of CVS to 
handle, and is not a reason to switch.

> So, a move from CVS was warranted, but perhaps a bit more email-based
> warning would have been helpful in this case.

So did you think beforehand "hey, maybe I should notify the list first", or 
was this a case of having one too many hits of wasabi first?

> I've selected GIT for my work for many reasons:
>  1) It has a credible track record with a real, large project.
> This rules out things like Darcs, monotone, bzr, etc.

Now see, I was hoping for a few months of real world experience within our own 
domain before moving our own SCM.  Like, say, cairo.

>  3) I have local support available (price == sushi).
> The only local SCMS developer I know wrote git.

As much as you like to harp on this, it's not actually a valid argument for 
Xorg as a whole.  Nice try though.

>  6) The distributed model provides new developers tools.
> Allowing all developers to share the SCMS, whether or not they have
> commit access is a huge feature. New features can be developed and
> distributed by people with no commit access as if they were peers in the
> project, and not second-class citizens.

The flip side of this is that it only provides those tools on those platforms 
where the tool exists.  What's the status of git on win32 these days?

Let me be perfectly clear here: I think moving from cvs to git is great.  Even 
for low velocity projects like Xlib.  Doing so without announcing the 
intention first, without allowing soak time in your first converted project 
(cough, cairo), and without making sure the chosen tool would actually work 
on all the platforms we support, is - shall we say - mildly antisocial.

I've been mildly antisocial before too, so I'll probably let this one slide.

- ajax
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