libpixman 32bit regions patch

Carl Worth cworth at
Mon Jan 9 16:57:58 PST 2006

On Mon, 9 Jan 2006 22:43:22 +0900, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jan 2006 22:30:27 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
> <raster at> babbled:
> > On Mon, 9 Jan 2006 19:54:26 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
> > <raster at> babbled:
> > 
> > > (for keith mostly) - here's a patch against 0.1.6 libpixman to make regions
> > > 32bit (wll ok - int's - 32bit for all intents and purposes these days) - i
> > > didnt make fb stuff 32bit though - i can if that makes sense.
> > 
> > hmm - i found some other 16bit-isms in there. i'll update the patch.
> ok- fixed them :) new patch attached.

This patch would be a lot easier to review if the obvious/automatic
renaming were supplied as a separate patch from the subtle/manual
storage and limit fixes.

From a very quick scan, the only thing I saw from the second class is:

	-typedef struct pixman_box16 {
	-    short x1, y1, x2, y2;
	-} pixman_box16_t;
	+typedef struct pixman_box {
	+    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
	+} pixman_box_t;

Which should likely use int32_t (uint32_t ?) instead of a bare int.

Notably missing from the patch are many fixes including at least fixes
to the following lines of code:


grep -n -e 'SHRT\|SHORT\|BOUND' *.[ch] /dev/null
icimage.c:628:#define BOUND(v)  (int16_t) ((v) < MINSHORT ? MINSHORT : (v) > MAXSH\ORT ? MAXSHORT : (v))
icimage.c:644:      pRbox->x1 = BOUND(v);
icimage.c:646:      pRbox->x2 = BOUND(v);
icimage.c:648:      pRbox->y1 = BOUND(v);
icimage.c:650:      pRbox->y2 = BOUND(v);
icimage.c:918:    x2 = BOUND(v);
icimage.c:921:    y2 = BOUND(v);
icint.h:120:#define MAXSHORT SHRT_MAX
icint.h:121:#define MINSHORT SHRT_MIN
ictrap.c:77:    box->y1 = MAXSHORT;
ictrap.c:78:    box->y2 = MINSHORT;
ictrap.c:79:    box->x1 = MAXSHORT;
ictrap.c:80:    box->x2 = MINSHORT;
pixregion.c:1665:       if ((x2 = x1 + (int) prect->width) > SHRT_MAX)
pixregion.c:1666:           x2 = SHRT_MAX;
pixregion.c:1667:       if ((y2 = y1 + (int) prect->height) > SHRT_MAX)
pixregion.c:1668:           y2 = SHRT_MAX;
pixregion.c:1690:       if ((x2 = x1 + (int) prect->width) > SHRT_MAX)
pixregion.c:1691:           x2 = SHRT_MAX;
pixregion.c:1692:       if ((y2 = y1 + (int) prect->height) > SHRT_MAX)
pixregion.c:1693:           y2 = SHRT_MAX;
pixregion.c:2103:    if (((x1 - SHRT_MIN)|(y1 - SHRT_MIN)|(SHRT_MAX - x2)|(SHRT_MA\X - y2)) >= 0)
pixregion.c:2117:    if (((x2 - SHRT_MIN)|(y2 - SHRT_MIN)|(SHRT_MAX - x1)|(SHRT_MA\X - y1)) <= 0)
pixregion.c:2125:    if (x1 < SHRT_MIN)
pixregion.c:2126:       region->extents.x1 = SHRT_MIN;
pixregion.c:2127:    else if (x2 > SHRT_MAX)
pixregion.c:2128:       region->extents.x2 = SHRT_MAX;
pixregion.c:2129:    if (y1 < SHRT_MIN)
pixregion.c:2130:       region->extents.y1 = SHRT_MIN;
pixregion.c:2131:    else if (y2 > SHRT_MAX)
pixregion.c:2132:       region->extents.y2 = SHRT_MAX;
pixregion.c:2143:           if (((x2 - SHRT_MIN)|(y2 - SHRT_MIN)|
pixregion.c:2144:                (SHRT_MAX - x1)|(SHRT_MAX - y1)) <= 0)
pixregion.c:2149:           if (x1 < SHRT_MIN)
pixregion.c:2150:               pboxout->x1 = SHRT_MIN;
pixregion.c:2151:           else if (x2 > SHRT_MAX)
pixregion.c:2152:               pboxout->x2 = SHRT_MAX;
pixregion.c:2153:           if (y1 < SHRT_MIN)
pixregion.c:2154:               pboxout->y1 = SHRT_MIN;
pixregion.c:2155:           else if (y2 > SHRT_MAX)
pixregion.c:2156:               pboxout->y2 = SHRT_MAX;

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