debugging XKB?

Ivan Paskal ivan_paskal at
Mon Jun 12 20:01:49 PDT 2006


>> It seems mode switching is broken, at least for the ATI driver.
>> When I hit ctrl-alt-+/-, I'm seeing these RADEONHandleMessage() log
>> entries too. It's -VMode when I hit -, and +VMode for + ;)
>> I think my XKB setup is working fine, so this seems to be a separate
>> problem.
> The problem Is it happends no matter what key I press (with the exception
> of the number-pad (Num lock)).
> In other words it interprets almost avery key as -VMode.

I remember that some users experinced a similar problem when their systems
had no special keysyms definitions.  The thing is that a keyboard map
contains such "special keysyms" that don't represent a printable symbol but
makes the Xserver switch VMode or change VT screen.
But if the rest of system (actually here it means Xlib library) does not 
know about
such keysyms, it makes keyboard module crazy.

You can try to eliminate such speciall keysyms using XKB option 

But a real solution would be to define these kesyms properly (of course if 
it is
a real reason). In XFree86 such keysyms had names like XF86_Next_Mode
or XF86_Switch_VT_1 or something other but begins from "XF86_".
I don't know were they renamed in XOrg, but you can try to find similar
names in keyboard maps.
The keysyms themselvs were defined (bound to numeric values) in the file
XKeysymDB.  Try to find this file (somewhere in X11R6/lib/X11) and check
for needed keysyms.  If they are absent there (or a whole file is missing) 
you need
to find the correct file XKeysymDB. It should solve the problem.

> A question:
> when XKB is working properly, does it create this file?
> /xorg7/share/X11/xkb/compiled/server-0.xkm
> I don't have it..

When XKB is working properly it ...
... creates this file, loads it into the server and deletes the file.
So if you don't see such file it is not wrong.

Ivan Pascal. 

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