Xorg 7.0 & changing keyboard layout

Kevin Day thekevinday at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 20:53:27 PDT 2006

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 17:52:15 +0200
Daniel Stone <daniel at freedesktop.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 10, 2006 at 04:11:22AM +0330, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh wrote:
> > Before Xorg 7.0 when i use alt+shift for changing keyboard
> > layout,It was working right.
> > 
> > Now eith Xorg 7.0 right alt+shift just change to Persian language &
> > left alt+shift change to both language.
> > 
> > I wanna RightAlt+Shift can change to both language same past.
> > 
> > Please guide that i can do it.Or it has bug & i can't do it,Please
> > help me that i write a patch ....
> This should work fine in 7.1.

Are all the commands for this in some wiki or other documentation in
the Xorg site?

The documentation can sometimes be evasive, and I am wondering if I
could be pointed into the right direction.

My concern with this thread is that I am using a remote control for a
bttv (conexant) card.  To change channels in tvtime.  As I understand
Xorg trees the IR remote as a keyboard, or at least the kernel driver
that I need to use does.

Do I have to change the "keyboard" settings for this in the same manner
as this thread is discussing?
And, I want to know how to guaruntee that whatever key code 'A' is sent
from the keyboard, if the ir-remote uses the same key-code, they should
be treated as separate devices.

I hope to then to have xbindkeys interpet the key-strokes from the
ir-remote and send commands via that.

(Which further makes me feel like writing a daemon or using DBUS to
interpret those commands and have xbindkeys talk to tvtime via dbus or
some daemon.)

So, thats the nature of what I am looking for.

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