cckuo chechun_kuo at sis.com
Mon Mar 13 22:53:18 PST 2006

Dear all:
Recently I met some problem while enable drm function.
Each time when I call drmAgpBind, defined in Xf86drm.c, OS will either hang
or reboot so fast that it doesn't leave any log, including XFree86.0.log or
/var/log/messages. By the way, I have elevated the kernel message-level to
Below I list some test I have done:
1. if I mark drmAgpBind, I can see all messages I add in XFree86 and kernel
drm functions.
2. if I call the drmAgpBind before drmAgpAlloc, I can see the unbind message
reported by kernel. (I change the order purposely to make sure whether the
function works, and it seems work.)

The kernel version I have tried is 2.4.19, 2.4.20 with XFree86 4.3. My vga
card is SiS315Pro, and I know the present driver not support DRI. But OS
will report the error message instead of crashing or hanging, right?

By the way, except /var/log/messages, where can I see the messages printed
by kernel, I mean maybe there are another place record the answers I need
but I don't know where it is.
Thanks for your patience after reading my problems.
If you have any comment, please let me know.

Sincerely Yours,

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