XGetImage problem...

Marcus Schäfer ms at suse.de
Thu Mar 23 09:36:38 PST 2006


maybe a stupid question but I couldn't find a hint how to
solve this. I'm calling XGetWindowProperty() on the root
window using the Atom


--code snippet--

	Atom p = XInternAtom( xdisp, "_XSETROOT_ID", True );
	XGetWindowProperty (
		dpy, rootWindow, p, 0L, 1L, False, XA_PIXMAP,
		&type, &format, &items, &after, &data

After this call I'm trying to get an image from the pixmap
data in &data which I assume represents the picture information
behind my window... data has a valid address to I assume there
is some data ;)

--code snippet--

	rootpixmap = *(Pixmap*)data;
	image = XGetImage (
		dpy, rootpixmap, x1, y1, widht, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap

The position values for x1 and y1 are correct and the width and
heigth are as well correct corresponding to the current window
position and size

The result is a bad match which I don't understand ?
Can someone help


 Public Key available
 Marcus Schäfer (Res. & Dev.)   SUSE LINUX Products GmbH
 Tel: 0911-740 53 0             Maxfeldstrasse 5
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