GLX 1.2 and Mesa 1.5?

Karl Burgess karl at
Fri Mar 24 03:46:35 PST 2006


With the current Xorg server the version of GLX is 1.2, but the software
implementation of OpenGL provided by the Mesa3d libraries claims to
support OpenGL version 1.5. If I run an application built for OpenGL
1.3 to the Xorg server built with the Mesa3d 1.5 OpenGL library, it will
abort with a BadRequest protocol error.

So why is the Xorg GLX layer only at version 1.2? Are there any plans for
it to move to OpenGL 1.3 in the future?
Is there a GLX 1.3 layer currently available in the OpenSource arena?
If there isn't a GLX 1.3 layer available, then how do we utilise the 
Mesa 1.5

Any information much appreciated,

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