WARNING: lndir does not exist -- skipping

Jamey Sharp jamey at minilop.net
Sun Nov 12 14:48:02 PST 2006

On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 09:10:02AM -0800, Miguel Cardenas wrote:
> 1) does the "WARNING: lndir does not exist -- skipping" error have any
> relationship with the xcb?

No. I don't know anything about that warning, but XCB and lndir are

> xcb  --->  it appears as optional and  does not compile, make aborts
> 'cos  segmentation fault.
> 2) if it really affects, where can I get a precompiled "xcb" to avoid
> segmentation fault in the 'make'?

I think you're experiencing the same problem I am, which as XCB's author
is... inconvenient. Current xsltproc is buggy and segfaults on our XSLT.
Older versions worked. I haven't tracked down when it broke yet.

Tarballs of libxcb have all the code pregenerated, so you can skip the
step that's failing. Get the latest (currently 0.9.93) from:

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