Finding needle in haystack..

Thomson, David-P63356 David.Thomson at
Mon Sep 11 17:32:29 PDT 2006

Thanks for all your comments,

I wish I could tell you all exactly what I need and why but I'm limited
in what I can say.  I may not actually need an answer to the original
question I posted if another solution works better.  Here's the most I
think I can get away with:

We are editing a window manager to make it selinux "label-aware".  We
want to color the window of "an app", we'll pretend it's Gimp, based on
the security level of the document it wants to open.  The window manager
therefore needs insight into what documents (not executables) are being
launched in it's windows.  

The reason I asked the question I did was that one way to trickle that
information through to the window manager was:
  window manager looks up XID of window
  from XID we someway lookup the socket in use on that window
  from the socket we lookup process id
  from process id we look at the command line arguments to find the file
This is hairy, nasty, and inherently pretty insecure but at the moment
it's just to prove we can change an selinux label and have the border
change color when re-launched.

The other way that was proposed is to modify the source of the
application to pass the document information to a third party which the
modified window manager can access.

Any thoughts?

David Thomson

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay.Cotton at Sun.COM [mailto:Jay.Cotton at Sun.COM] 
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 5:10 PM
To: Alan Coopersmith
Cc: Thomson, David-P63356; xorg at
Subject: Re: Finding needle in haystack..

Alan Coopersmith wrote:

> Thomson, David-P63356 wrote:
>> Developers,
>> Could someone please hear me out and shoot me a quick response, I
>> these developer mailing lists are pretty segregated and people only
>> respond to posts that deal exclusively with the work they are doing. 
>> Short story:  I am doing work for "No Such Agency" .  Our project
>> like a nice clean way of getting the socket number associated with
>> XID of a window.  Is there a function that returns this info?  If not
>> I'll be making such a function.  If I do, I'll be looking for where
>> window id's/socket number correlation is stored/modified.  
> The X server stores a file descriptor id for each client (not window)
> a table internally, but those are not necessarily sockets, and don't
> any meaning outside that process and the kernel's fd table for that 
> process,
> so I'm not sure what you're looking for.  What are you referring to as
> a "socket number"?
There is a strong relationship between the FD and the client number
So, since you can track back to the client connection (Alans' Dtrace 
code) you
should be able to trudge through the connection table and find the 
socket number.
If there is one.  Remember that most clients don't have sockets since 
they are
local to the server. 

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