Keysym additions.

Keith Packard keithp at
Thu Sep 21 16:04:40 PDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-09-21 at 21:28 +0300, Daniel Stone wrote:

> Dude, you can't add 200 keysyms for languages.

Actually, there's no particular reason not to; keysym space is enormous,
we added all of Unicode without even feeling it.

If you really have keys that say "Chinese (language)" on them, is there
some reason not to report that correctly?

ISO639-2 defines somewhere around 420 languages; that gives us well
defined names and reasonable semantics as well. No Klingon though; we
may have to make something up for that.

> Could you not use XK_Mode_switch and have the language smarts in
> userspace?

If you look at how the 'keysym' spec reads, it's interested in correctly
and unambiguously defining the engravings on the top of the keys. While
it doesn't go so far as to require every unique symbol to have a unique
keysym (enter and return are 'the same' keysym), it does encourage us to
report what the actual keys are rather than try to insist that
applications 'guess' what the 'language_1' key is actually painted with.

keith.packard at
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