Mode Origins in RandR++

Keith Packard keithp at
Fri Sep 22 18:30:16 PDT 2006

Ok, one very useful bit of information that the current RandR 1.2 spec
doesn't provide is an indication of where each mode came from and how it
relates the the monitor.

We've currently got four sources of modelines:

     1. Monitor DDC/EDID
     2. Standard X modes
     3. Config file
     4. RandR itself

And, case 1 can be further broken into modes the monitor really likes vs
modes the monitor will tolerate in some way.

I'd like to report all of this information to applications somehow. So,
my question is whether I should just stick an additional 'mode origin'
word into the existing modeline that defines bits associated with each
origin or whether I should create some general purpose 'mode property'
mechanism. I'm leaning towards the former, lacking any credible idea of
what else we'd do with this. We can easily add mode properties later if
that makes sense; it wouldn't require changing existing protocol
encoding at all.

In either the simple flags or general property models, I need a list of
mode origin values that people would like to use in the process of
selecting a 'good' mode. Please send suggestions along and I'll compile
a reasonable set of them together.

keith.packard at
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