Using anonymous git for faster updates...

Sean seanlkml at
Fri Sep 29 10:19:44 PDT 2006

On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 15:16:39 +0200
Matthias Hopf <mhopf at> wrote:

> Until git has included support for multiple project updates per ssh
> connection, we have to live with pretty slow updates of our working
> repositories.

If you're using a newer version of OpenSSH you can use "Master"
mode to have ssh automatically reuse an existing ssh connection
rather that reconnecting each time.

Once you're logged into this connection, all subsequent connections
by Git will piggyback on it removing the connection overhead.

You'll need to add something like this to your ~/.ssh/config:

 Host *
   ControlMaster auto
   ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%r@%h:%p

And make sure to create the sockets directory:

 mkdir ~/.ssh/sockets


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