cannot enable Pipe B on Intel 852 -> now enable but DRI disable crashes randr 1.2

Robert Wörle robert at
Fri Apr 6 05:07:08 PDT 2007

Ok now i get it to run without Xinerama

I hacked I830CursorInit(ScreenPtr pScreen)
to return 0.

Both Pipes turn on , both LCD`s are detected and probed.

But as soon as i enable Xinerama it crashes on Randr 1.2

It seems even not turning on Xinerama but disabling DRI causes the same

Disabling DRI causes this
i tryed with both Randr on or off

Segfault says

0: Xorg(xf86SigHandler+0x84) [0x80c2074]
1: [0xb7f1d420]
2: Xorg(xf86RandR12SetRotations+0x69) [0x80f58b9]
3: Xorg(xf86CrtcScreenInit+0x9f) [0x80f20ef]
4: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers// [0xb7b64c3f]
5: Xorg(AddScreen+0x1ed) [0x806f84d]
6: Xorg(InitOutput+0x22e) [0x80a149e]
7: Xorg(main+0x27b) [0x806ffeb]
8: /lib/ [0xb7d37ea8]
9: Xorg(FontFileCompleteXLFD+0xa9) [0x806f531]

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

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