Modular build failed - libdrm >=2.3.0 not met

david rankin drankinatty at
Tue Apr 10 11:29:10 PDT 2007

After getting over the mesa problem, I have encountered a new problem with 
libdrm not greater that 2.3. the error is:

gcc -D_BSD_SOURCE -DHAS_FCHOWN -DHAS_STICKY_DIR_BIT -I/tmp/modular/include   
 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -I./include -DXFSPIDDIR=\"/var/run\" -DDEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE=\"/tmp/modular/lib/X11/fs/config\" 
 -g -O2   -o xfs  atom.o cache.o charinfo.o difsutils.o dispatch.o events.o 
extensions.o fontinfo.o fonts.o globals.o initfonts.o main.o resource.o 
swaprep.o swapreq.o tables.o access.o config.o connection.o daemon.o error.o 
io.o osglue.o osinit.o utils.o waitfor.o 
xfstrans.o -L/tmp/modular/lib -lFS -lXfont -lm -lfontenc -lfreetype -lz
checking for LIBDRM... configure: error: Package requirements (libdrm >= 
2.3.0) were not met.
./configure: line 20486: syntax error near unexpected token `RANDR,'
./configure: line 20487: syntax error near unexpected token `XKB,'
./configure: line 20486: syntax error near unexpected token `RANDR,'
./configure: line 20486: syntax error near unexpected token `RANDR,'

Is this a problem with the git of /tmp/src/drm or is it a package problem on 
my SuSE 10 install?  Also, is there a way I can cut down on the compile time 
by just telling the script to only build the module that failed 
while executing the script?

David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
(936) 715-9339 fax

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