Storing glyphs as Pixmaps

Carl Worth cworth at
Mon Aug 6 15:29:28 PDT 2007

On Sun, 05 Aug 2007 12:25:50 -0400, James Cloos wrote:
> >>>>> "Carl" == Carl Worth <cworth at> writes:
> Carl> I've replaced the weak XOR-based hash with a cryptographically strong
> Carl> hash (SHA1) that will be (probabilistically) collision free. This
> Carl> does introduce a new dependency of the X server on the openssl library.
> If you want to avoid that dependency, there is at least one public domain
> implementation of sha1 available.
> Steve Reid's version can be found -- among other sites -- at:
> A small modification could call that when necessary, or use the hardware
> where available, eg on Via or Niagara2 processors.

Several people have sent me pointers to various small implementations
of the SHA1 algorithm.

Ralph Giles pointed out a public-domain implementation:

for which he used a cleaned-up version in jbig2dec:

And Peter Stuge sent me the following list:
	(LibTomCrypt, public domain)
	(ISOC reference implementation, almost public domain)
	(Modified version of above, "freeware," distributable)
	(Optimized, LGPL)
	(Unspecified license)

Personally, I have no problem with a library dependency. In general,
library code is greatly preferable over pulling a copy of some code
directly into the X server. Using a library means less maintenance
burden, automatically picking up bug fixes and optimizations, and
allowing the library itself to do things like optimizations to call
hardware implementations where available.

I only mentioned the potential concern of a new dependency in case
some Xorg maintainers/developers would be allergic to it. (For me,
personally, openssl is universally available on any machine I would
ever install Xorg on.)

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