xorg-server 1.3.99 and the synaptics driver

Marek Wawrzyczny marekw1977 at yahoo.com.au
Thu Aug 16 07:50:32 PDT 2007


I am a Gentoo user and have installed xorg-server-1.3.99 (and other 
components) from the r300-driver overlay. X works great but my Alps touchpad 
stopped working. I am hoping someone might point me in the right direction 

I can plug in my USB mouse which works fine, but the Alps touchpad does not 
send any events (I've checked all devices under /dev/input/...). It does 
however wake up the display.

The ebuild builds and install the server from:



It is detected by the kernel:

Synaptics Touchpad, model: 1, fw: 6.1, id: 0xa3a0b3, caps: 0xa04713/0x10008
input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /class/input/input5

and it appears to be detected by the xorg server:

(II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//synaptics_drv.so
(II) Module synaptics: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
(II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
(II) Reloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//synaptics_drv.so

Finally, the relevant section from the xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Synaptics Touchpad"
        Driver      "synaptics"
        Option      "SendCoreEvents"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/input/mouse0"
        Option      "Protocol" "auto-dev"
#       Option      "Protocol" "event"
        Option      "LeftEdge" "1900"
        Option      "RightEdge" "5900"
        Option      "TopEdge" "1400"
        Option      "BottomEdge" "4500"
        Option      "FingerLow" "25"
        Option      "FingerHigh" "30"
        Option      "MaxTapTime" "180"
        Option      "MaxTapMove" "220"
        Option      "VertScrollDelta" "100"
        Option      "HorizScrollDelta" "100"
        Option      "MinSpeed" "0.15"
        Option      "MaxSpeed" "0.18"
        Option      "AccelFactor" "0.0009"
        Option      "EdgeMotionMinSpeed" "200"
        Option      "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed" "200"
        Option      "UpDownScrolling" "1"
        Option      "CircularScrolling" "1"
        Option      "CircScrollDelta" "0.1"
        Option      "CircScrollTrigger" "2"

        # Disable touchpad while typing:
        Option      "SHMConfig" "on"

Kind regards,

Marek Wawrzyczny

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