Wide Screen + External Monitor Possible?

Richard Lynch ceo at l-i-e.com
Sun Aug 19 20:34:16 PDT 2007

I've been Googling and futzing with xorg.conf for several months now,
to no avail...

Can anybody confirm/deny that it is possible to convince the i810/i915
driver to have a laptop wide-screen LCD and an external 19-inch with
"dual head" configuration, i.e., more screen real estate?

So far, the closest I can come is a very streak-y (vertical) clone of
the LCD onto the external.

And it's not even a usable clone, as it's impossible to read anything
when every 5th pixel column is missing.

Well, that's what it looks like, anyway.  I dunno if it's technically
a column of actual pixels.  And don't quote me on the every FIFTH
pixel, okay?...  Could be 7th.

Under Windoze:
LCD: 1366x768
VGA: 1280x1024

Can anybody even just tell me if I'm supposed to be dinking with
Xinerama, TwinView, or something entirely different?

I read something somewhere that Xorg could only do dual head if the
vertical or horizontal pixel count "matched" between the 2 monitors. 
Is that really true, or just a myth?

The sheer volume of conflicting information out there, some of which
MUST be mis-information, is just overwhelming. :-v

Conf file:


Big Picture:

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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