How to check the maximum screen size in RandR 1.2?

Alberto Milone albertomilone at
Thu Aug 30 07:00:55 PDT 2007

Hi, I know that the Intel driver cannot reallocate the frame buffer,
therefore "whatever size you start with is the maximum the screen can
ever become". My question is how can I get to know this maximum size the
Xserver starts with?

For example xrandr (randr 1.2) (with my Intel card) says that the screen
cannot be larger than 1600x1600 (unless I set the virtual resolution). I
would like the get the maximum size (on any randr 1.2 compatible
card/driver) so as to decide whether to set the virtual resolution
through an application I'm working on. Is it possible?

If I could get that size through xrandr (or through a command line app I
can access from Python) it would be even better.

Thanks in advance.


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