hacking x11 protocol

Daniel Kasak dan at entropy.homelinux.org
Tue Feb 6 14:01:49 PST 2007

Lucio Crusca wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm a newbie here. Here is my problem:
> My customer asked me to setup a linux system so that it loops some flash 
> movies all the time (commercials).
> Adobe has recently released a standalone flash player for linux 
> (http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/9/flash_player_9_linux_dev.tar.gz). 
> Quite a dumb one to be honest (it doesn't even support a playlist). So I've 
> written a bash script that fires up the Adobe player once for each SWF file 
> in a given directory. Each SWF file is a fullscreen commercial ."Fullscreen" 
> is an attribute (or something like that) embedded in the SWF file.
> The problem is that when my script opens a new instance of the player, the 
> player first displays its window for a fraction of a second and then goes 
> fullscreen. That's quite ugly to see between commercials.

Depending on what version of Flash the commercials are in, you might be
able to convert them to mpeg or something and play them with a better
player. I think mplayer can play some flash movies ( as well as convert
them ).


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