AW: Another compile problem (X11R7.1): "error: 'TS_Raw' undeclared"

Joshua Baergen joshuabaergen at
Sun Jan 14 08:50:56 PST 2007

Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
>> Requested 'randrproto >= 1.2' but version of RandrProto is 1.1.2
>> No package 'damageproto' found
>> No package 'xcmiscproto' found
>> No package 'scrnsaverproto' found
>> No package 'bigreqsproto' found
>> No package 'resourceproto' found
>> No package 'fontsproto' found
>> Requested 'inputproto >= 1.4' but version of InputProto is 1.3.2
> I've encountered the same problem, myself.  Previously I would just skip
> the input drivers that wouldn't build since I didn't need them anyway.
> However, I've encountered problems with mouse input in some OpenGL/SDL
> games that I thought might be due to using the wrong version of
> inputproto.  Unfortunately, my attempts to compile the server using the
> correct version of inputproto results in the same message from
> configure.
> Can anyone shed some light on what to do in this situation?

Looks like you guys are using git HEAD, which will become the X.Org 7.3
server.  You want to be using the 1.1 or 1.2 branches instead
(server-1_1-branch or server-1_2-branch), which are the 7.1 and 7.2
servers respectively.

inputproto 1.4 and randrproto 1.2 are currently for the 7.3 release only.


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