Samsung 205BW DDC problem

Daniel Ciocea daniel.ciocea at
Tue Jun 5 14:16:48 PDT 2007

Since this is my first post on the list, I might be posting an already 
known problem, but anyway here is my description:
I recently tried to setup my G965 to work with Samsung 205BW monitor on 
1650x1050 native resolution. I have the current Slackware installed, so 
I am using the xf86-video-intel-2.0.0 driver. Using the normal DDC set 
on, I get the list of the video modes accepted by the monitor like this:
(II) intel(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
(II) intel(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
(II) intel(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
(II) intel(0): Modeline "1680x1050"  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240  1050 
1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync
(II) intel(0): Modeline "1280x1024"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 
1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync
(II) intel(0): Modeline "1280x960"  101.25  1280 1360 1488 1696  960 963 
967 996 -hsync +vsync
(II) intel(0): Modeline "1152x864"  104.00  1152 1224 1344 1536  864 867 
871 905 -hsync +vsync
(II) intel(0): Modeline "1680x1050"  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240  1050 
1053 1059 1089 +hsync -vsync
(II) intel(0): EDID vendor "SAM", prod id 541

Anyway th monitor is actually displaying an 1400x1050 60Hz PN 
resolution, no matter my changes in xorg.conf are.
After some investigations, I disabled the DDC and got the wanted 
resolution (1680x1050) but the fonts are quite messed up (I read some 
already known issues about this). In my opinion the error is caused by 
the DDC information from the monitor, which determines the selection of 
the wrong synchronization  signals polarity: "+hsync -vsync".
I tried my own modelines with the other polarities (e.g "-hsync 
-vsync"and "NoDDC") and the native resolution is correctly set, but the 
fonts problem is still present.

Can you tell me how can I get an work around for this wrong behavior?

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