XSetWMName fails to set the window title

Jon Kristensen jon.kristensen at dedikerad.se
Mon Jun 11 20:46:52 PDT 2007

Hello X.Org hackers!

I have a little problem using the X11 library, and I thought there might
be someone on this list that wanted to help me out a bit. If this mail
is off-topic or something, then I'm sorry.

I want to set the window title, and below follows how I try to do it. I
know that the window handle unsigned long is correct, becuase I've
converted the number to hex and compared it to the output of `xwininfo'.

I get no errors, the window title just doesn't get set.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :o)

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <GL/glx.h>


// Code for GNU systems goes here. We open the X11 display.
static Display *display = XOpenDisplay (NULL);
// Could we open the X11 display?
        // Get a `unsigned long' window handle.
        unsigned long windowHandle = 0;
        this->window->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHandle);

        // Select the default screen and store (cast) the `Window'.
        static int screen = DefaultScreen(display);
        Window win = (Window)windowHandle;

        // We use the XTextProperty structure to store the title.
        XTextProperty windowName;
        windowName.value    = (unsigned char *) "Simulation";
        windowName.encoding = XA_STRING;
        windowName.format   = 8;
        windowName.nitems   = strlen((char *) windowName.value);
         * Tell X to ask the window manager to set the window title. (X
         * itself doesn't provide window title functionality.)
        XSetWMName(display, win, &windowName);

Jon Kristensen

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