[ANNOUNCE] xf86-video-intel 1.9.91 (2.0 RC1)

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Tue Mar 6 23:27:45 PST 2007

On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 08:01 +0100, Stefan Dirsch wrote:

> hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c:
> [...]
> static OptionInfoRec xf86OutputOptions[] = {
>     {OPTION_PREFERRED_MODE, "PreferredMode",    OPTV_STRING,  {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_POSITION,       "Position",         OPTV_STRING,  {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_BELOW,          "Below",            OPTV_STRING,  {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_RIGHT_OF,       "RightOf",          OPTV_STRING,  {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_ABOVE,          "Above",            OPTV_STRING,  {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_LEFT_OF,        "LeftOf",           OPTV_STRING,  {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_ENABLE,         "Enable",           OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_DISABLE,        "Disable",          OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_MIN_CLOCK,      "MinClock",         OPTV_FREQ,    {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_MAX_CLOCK,      "MaxClock",         OPTV_FREQ,    {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_IGNORE,         "Ignore",           OPTV_BOOLEAN, {0}, FALSE },
>     {OPTION_ROTATE,         "Rotate",           OPTV_STRING,  {0}, FALSE },
>     {-1,                    NULL,               OPTV_NONE,    {0}, FALSE },
> };
> Could you make a small example, so one could better understand? Just
> the options to use with which values and where to put them in
> xorg.conf.

I'm busy writing up some more complete documentation (which is also
happily uncovering several gaps in the current implementation).

However, here's a short summary:

In the "Device" section, you add options that connect new "Monitor"
sections to specific outputs:

Section "Device"
	Driver  "intel"
	Option	"monitor-VGA" "My VGA Monitor"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier "My VGA Monitor"

Now, in this "Monitor" section, you can place any of the options you see
listed above to control the modes and placement of the output. As
"Monitor" sections do not have a list of modes to offer, I added only a
single "PreferredMode" option which selects the mode to be used at
server startup time.

You can define monitors for each output and configure the whole thing
however you like. Please feel free to edit the README.modes file that I
have added to the hw/xfree86/docs in the server.

keith.packard at intel.com
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