xf86-video-intel-1.99.92: server terminates after OpenGL usage

Pavel Troller patrol at sinus.cz
Sun Mar 18 00:07:19 PDT 2007

  I have another strangeness with the new intel driver:
  There are apps, which use OpenGL, causing the server to terminate. Sometimes
it terminates when an OpenGL window is appearing, sometimes when it's closing.
I don't say "crash" because I didn't find any crash dump/report anywhere. It
just cleanly blanks the screen and then a new login window appears. I didn't
find anything suspicious in the server log, however I'm attaching it for the
expert's eye (it's Xorg.0.log.old copied just after the crash).
  Simple apps like glxgears never do this; you need a more complex application:
  - OpenGL amarok visualization plugin
  - OpenGL screensaver (it's enough to test it in the KDE control center)
  - OpenGL game.
  Of course all this happily worked with the old driver.
  Any hints, how to debug this problem ?
        With regards, Pavel Troller
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