Various regressions with xf86-video-intel 2.0.0 on 855GM

Rémi Cardona remi at
Thu May 17 13:09:41 PDT 2007

Rémi Cardona wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been using the newest intel driver for a few weeks now and have
> noticed the following issues (some of them seem to be in bugzilla, but
> no updates have been posted there)

I've noticed a few other regressions since I started fiddling around.

4) DRI no longer works (with or without EXA enabled). Here's what
happens in Xorg.0.log

(II) intel(0): Attempting memory allocation with untiled buffers and
               small DRI memory manager reservation:
(WW) intel(0): xf86AllocateGARTMemory: allocation of 10 pages failed
        (Cannot allocate memory)
(WW) intel(0): Failed to allocate texture space.
(WW) intel(0): Not enough video memory.  Disabling DRI.

The first three messages are repeated a few times before and after the
"Disabling DRI" message.

5) I removed my custom modeline from my xorg.conf (my screen is
1280x768) and the right mode is selected. But now, gdm and gnome-panel
believe that my screen is only 1024x768 and will only display stuff in
that area. Running xrandr "--output VGA --off" resizes everyone to full
screen. Here's the xrandr output before and after.

$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 768, maximum 2048 x 2048
VGA disconnected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 0mm x 0mm
LVDS connected 1280x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 305mm x 183mm
   1280x768       60.0*+
   1024x768       60.0
   800x600        60.3
   640x480        59.9
$ xrandr --output VGA --off
$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 768, maximum 2048 x 2048
VGA connected (normal left inverted right)
   1024x768       60.0
   800x600        60.3
   640x480        59.9
LVDS connected 1280x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right) 305mm x 183mm
   1280x768       60.0*+
   1024x768       60.0
   800x600        60.3
   640x480        59.9

6) sometimes, just running xrandr, killing the server, logging out of
gnome will crash the system.

Again, I'm ready to try patches if needs be, as these bugs are quite
serious in my book.

Thanks again for any help.


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