What's the status of G35 support in xf86-video-intel

Mike Cui cuicui at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 01:16:26 PDT 2008

I got the latest xf86-video-intel drivers from git, and the README
does not list G35 as a support chip.

Also, it says the following for Xv

- Textured video XV implementation on i915 through i965.
- Hardware overlay XV implementation up through i945.

Is support for G35 coming soon for anything?

I have the ASUS P5E-VM HDMI. I tried the lastest release
(latest from git doesn't work), with i915 drm 1.11.0 20070209,
mesa-7.0.2, and xorg-server- in Gentoo. Here are some problems
I'm running into:

With HDMI output, there seem to be timing issues. On my HDTV in
1920x1080, it seems that 3 or 4 pixels are cut off at the top, and I
see 3 or 4 lines of black pixels at the bottom. Basically, it seems
like the entire picture is shifted up about 3 or 4 pixels. When hooked
up to 24" LCD at 1920x1200, the picture is messed up, windows have
shadows. And my monitor reports that the resolution is 1920x1199 (!!).
I tried to turn off DDC support and manually enter in modelines I
found online, the drivers seems to ignore them.

On VGA pictures look fine. Also, everything looks great in Windows.

In any case, when I try to play videos with Xv, or OpenGL, the tearing
is terrible. Xv doesn't seem to want to sync to vblank, and enabling
double buffering for OpenGL doesn't help either. I did enable
TripleBuffering and PageFlip in xorg.conf.

Are the problems I'm running into known problems, or did I
misconfigure something?


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