drm config

Dan Nicholson dbn.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 20:55:37 PDT 2008

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 6:52 PM, Chuck Robey <chuckr at telenix.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I went back to trying to get my complete xorg to build, because I have finally
> chased down all of the config and logging functions, down in the dark ratholes
> they were hidden in.  My build is dying in xserver/hw/kdrive/ephyr, because when
> it makes ephyrdriext.c, it can't include drm.h.
> My install dir is /usr/X11R7.4 (my choice) and my drm.h is in
> X11R7.4/include/drm/drm.h.  I can't seem to correctly pass along anything at the
> util/modular/build.sh to get that directory added to the include.  I tried
> sticking it into XSERVERLIBS_CFLAGS, but that didn't seem to penetrate the
> config down there, and to be honest, I'm miserable at doing the autotools.

If you're getting build errors, please include the actual error you're
getting and details about what you're building (versions, etc.). Any
advice anyone would give you right now would be complete speculation.
But I can tell you that you should not have to manually pass any flags
for DRM; they should be coming from pkg-config. If those aren't being
respected, then that's probably a bug in the build and it can only be
fixed by seeing some details.


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