testing strategy

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Sun Jul 20 18:13:14 PDT 2008

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 08:43:36PM -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> I don't really care a whit whether I'm reading the config file directly, or if
> I'm grilling the xserver about it, either way, I need the info, and I don't know
> how to get it.  To be honest, though, I hadn't thouoght much about the fact that
> the xserver might have already read the file once.  Not that that matter one
> heck of a lot to me, It's still missing info.  Would be nice to know that info,
> however, wouldn't it?
> I'm always assuming everybody is thinking exactly what I am, so my typing is
> often confusing (at least I know this about myself).  Anyhow, I'm just trying to
> find the Xorg-standardized method of reading the option info and the values
> assigned in the config file, for everything in an InputDevice section.  My own
> tablet device is definitely going to have a InputDevice section, and I think no
> more than about 6 to 8 configs options.   Tablets need to get the X/Y (and Z,
> being TipPressure) axis scaling info, and also 2 buttons and also a Proximity thing.

Please cast a quick eye at xf86-input-mouse's src/mouse.c.  It's a big
file, but not only are the options within the first 200 lines (of which
copyright, license and changelog occupy 44), but I'll give you a bonus
hint: there's one option called Resolution.  Surely even the most
cursory of inspections will tell you what's going on.
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