secondary selection buffers, how to get it working?

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Fri Mar 21 06:59:49 PDT 2008

Hello everybody,

I installed debian sid with a clean debootstrap and I can't get my 
secondary selection clipboard buffer working, I have installed: 
x11-apps, xcliboard, autocutsel. However selected text does seems to 
appear in my buffers, or be pastable with my middle mouse.

However I am not an expert on this, so how can I test if my primary and 
secondary buffers are working. What are the set-up requirements and how 
debug and solve my problem. What packages do I need and do I need to run 
a daemon that I am not aware of, or use some xset option to set it all up?

Please help. this issue really pains and irritates me.

Kind regards,


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