Fwd: what is xid??

sridhar sridhar.yerram at gmail.com
Mon May 12 04:59:57 PDT 2008

hello friends,
iam a newbie to xlib,
in xlib,  what exactly XID means..what it represents,
i used *xnee  *which is developed using  *record
extension** *logging the  requests/events/replies and errors too,
but my requirement is to have a window id too in that,,,,
bcoz i want to analyze how many request/events/replies a
particular process[window/client] is raising....
can you help me in this regard???

i was trying to analyze all the events/requests/errors/replies  from xserver

is there any other tool like xnee,
where i can get from which window the events/request/replies are going???

thanks and regards

SrIDhAr M.tech(AI)
Univ of Hyderabad
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