Switch 4 displays

scorbo scorbofr at yahoo.fr
Fri Nov 28 05:35:30 PST 2008

Yes, I know nvidia-settings, I use it to make the xorg.conf and it works well. But I didn't have seen that Nvidia property driver allows to switch dynamically. It can do a lot of configuration but the only software that I know and that allows this it's xrandr.
TwinView only allows to use two screens for one desktop.

--- En date de : Ven 28.11.08, Éric Piel <E.A.B.Piel at tudelft.nl> a écrit :
De: Éric Piel <E.A.B.Piel at tudelft.nl>
Objet: Re: Switch 4 displays
À: scorbofr at yahoo.fr
Cc: xorg at lists.freedesktop.org
Date: Vendredi 28 Novembre 2008, 14h15

scorbo schreef:
> I know how to have 4 independent displays with the Nvidia property
> driver, but like you said it doesn't support XRandr 1.2.
> My problem is to switch dynamically two displays with this driver (or
> another one).
> I'vre tried Nouveau but it doesn't support this graphic card.
> In fact my question is : is there a solution to switch dynamically two
> displays on a Linux system (except Xrandr or Xmove) ?
You are aware of nvidia-settings, aren't you? I thought with twinview
mode it could do something similar (but never tried).


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