Poll: Should Xorg change from using Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to something harder for users to press by accident?

Jason Spiro jasonspiro4 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 20:52:55 PDT 2008

Corbin Simpson <mostawesomedude <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Seriously, no.

Your vote has been duly noted.

> Zap once, learn forever. No different than anything else,
> really;

I still believe that Xorg should make it harder to make the mistake of an
accidental zap.

> ever heard of "press Alt+F4 to make it go faster?"

Yes.  Note, though, that Firefox now displays a confirmation dialog when you try
to quit when there are multiple tabs open.  That featureis a good protection
against the "press Alt+F4 to make it go faster" jokesters.

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