libX11-6.2.1 and pkg-config 0.23

James Cloos cloos at
Sat Feb 21 10:42:46 PST 2009

Try running pkg-config with PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW=1 set in your environ.

I get:

:; env PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW=1 pkg-config --cflags xproto

,----< env PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW=1 pkg-config --cflags xproto >
| === many lines elided ===
| Path position of 'Xproto' is 2
| Package Xproto has -I/usr/include in Cflags
| Removing -I/usr/include from cflags for xproto
| Adding 'xproto' to list of known packages, returning as package 'xproto'
|  original:  Xproto 
|  sorted:  Xproto 
|  original:  Xproto 
|  sorted:  Xproto 

(I had to compile pkg-config with -ggdb -O0 and try tracing thru to
discover the existance of PKG_CONFIG_DEBUG_SPEW.)

James Cloos <cloos at>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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