945GM(E) screen rotation and slow GL.

Rob Kramer robk at starhub.net.sg
Tue Jan 13 23:16:54 PST 2009

Keith Packard wrote:
>> Do you think the 945 chipset is just too slow to rotate a 1920x1200
>> screen?
> One thing that may improve performance a bit is when we get tiling
> support for the displayed buffer. That work requires some additional
> kernel infrastructure to manage the 'fence' registers which are
> responsible for linearizing tiled regions for software rendering code.
> You might try 16bpp instead of 32bpp; it won't look as good, but it
> should go faster.

Tried that: 85 fps in normal mode, 27 fps for left-rotation.

Would a board with a 965GM chipset fare much better, you think? I haven't
seen many small form-factor embedded boards with that chipset yet,



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