Matching client windows by resource IDs

Christian Pirchheim chrispi at
Fri Jun 5 05:33:31 PDT 2009


Wonder if there are client-side functions which allow to retrieve resource mask 
and base XIDs (as defined in the _XDisplay struct) given only a particular 
resource (e.g. Window) XID. IOW: Are functions available, which have signatures 
similar to:

void XGetResourceMaskAndBase(XID resource, XID *mask, XID *base);

Rationale behind is that I require knowledge about the "child windows" (such as 
menu lists etc) of a given top-level "parent" window within a window manager 
client. Thus, I do *not* have the related clients' Display variables at hand.

First, I would have expected XQueryTree giving me that information, however, it 
seems pretty much every window is created with the root window set as parent 
which makes any discrimination impossible.

Thanks for any hints and comments!


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