text characters scrambled with xrandr and qt-4

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at behdad.org
Fri Mar 6 10:00:09 PST 2009

Sebastian Glita wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe this is a qt-4 problem, but here it is:
> when:
> xrandr --output LVDS --rotate left
> and launch a QT (ver. >=4)  application text is scrambled: a multicoloured 20% first line each character.

Sounds like subpixel filtering using the wrong RGB order.  Which isn't
surprising given that you didn't change the RGB order to VRGB (or VBGR).  I'm
not sure how Qt picks that up other than fontconfig config files.  GNOME uses
XSETTINGS to propagate such things.


> Thanks,
> Seba

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