[PATCH] XKB: cache xkbcomp output for fast start-up v5 for 1.6.1

yanli at infradead.org yanli at infradead.org
Thu May 14 21:22:25 PDT 2009

xkbcomp outputs will be cached in files with hashed keymap as
names. This saves boot time for around 1s on commodity netbooks.

v5: now using a much bigger xkbKeyMapBuf (100k) since the XKB to be
    complied may be very large (as seen with
    gnome-keyboard-properties), rebased to v1.6.1

Signed-off-by: Yan Li <yan.i.li at intel.com>
 configure.ac        |    6 +-
 xkb/README.compiled |    8 +-
 xkb/ddxLoad.c       |  192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 4c4c797..7a5020a 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -476,9 +476,9 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(default-font-path, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-default-font-path=PATH], [
 AC_ARG_WITH(xkb-path,         AS_HELP_STRING([--with-xkb-path=PATH], [Path to XKB base dir (default: ${datadir}/X11/xkb)]),
 				[ XKBPATH="$withval" ],
 				[ XKBPATH="${datadir}/X11/xkb" ])
-AC_ARG_WITH(xkb-output,       AS_HELP_STRING([--with-xkb-output=PATH], [Path to XKB output dir (default: ${datadir}/X11/xkb/compiled)]),
+AC_ARG_WITH(xkb-output,       AS_HELP_STRING([--with-xkb-output=PATH], [Path to XKB output dir (default: ${localstatedir}/cache/xkb)]),
 				[ XKBOUTPUT="$withval" ],
-				[ XKBOUTPUT="compiled" ])
+				[ XKBOUTPUT="${localstatedir}/cache/xkb" ])
 AC_ARG_WITH(serverconfig-path, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-serverconfig-path=PATH],
 				   [Directory where ancillary server config files are installed (default: ${libdir}/xorg)]),
 				[ SERVERCONFIG="$withval" ],
@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ AC_DEFINE_DIR(XKB_BIN_DIRECTORY, bindir, [Path to XKB bin dir])
 if [[ x$XKBOUTPUT_FIRSTCHAR != x/ ]] ; then
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([xkb-output must be an absolute path.])
 # XKM_OUTPUT_DIR (used in code) must end in / or file names get hosed
diff --git a/xkb/README.compiled b/xkb/README.compiled
index 71caa2f..a4a2ae0 100644
--- a/xkb/README.compiled
+++ b/xkb/README.compiled
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ current keymap and/or any scratch keymaps used by clients.  The X server
 or some other tool might destroy or replace the files in this directory,
 so it is not a safe place to store compiled keymaps for long periods of
 time.  The default keymap for any server is usually stored in:
-     X<num>-default.xkm
-where <num> is the display number of the server in question, which makes
-it possible for several servers *on the same host* to share the same 
+     server-<SHA1>.xkm
+where <SHA1> is the SHA1 hash of keymap source, so that compiled
+keymap of different keymap sources are stored in different files.
 Unless the X server is modified, sharing this directory between servers on
 different hosts could cause problems.
diff --git a/xkb/ddxLoad.c b/xkb/ddxLoad.c
index 4d5dfb6..60a68af 100644
--- a/xkb/ddxLoad.c
+++ b/xkb/ddxLoad.c
 #include <xkb-config.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_SHA1_IN_LIBMD /* Use libmd for SHA1 */
+# include <sha1.h>
+#else /* Use OpenSSL's libcrypto */
+# include <stddef.h>  /* buggy openssl/sha.h wants size_t */
+# include <openssl/sha.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #define	NEED_EVENTS 1
 #include <xkbsrv.h>
 #include <X11/extensions/XI.h>
+#include <errno.h>
 #include "xkb.h"
 #if defined(CSRG_BASED) || defined(linux) || defined(__GNU__)
 #include <paths.h>
-	/*
-	 * If XKM_OUTPUT_DIR specifies a path without a leading slash, it is
-	 * relative to the top-level XKB configuration directory.
-	 * Making the server write to a subdirectory of that directory
-	 * requires some work in the general case (install procedure
-	 * has to create links to /var or somesuch on many machines),
-	 * so we just compile into /usr/tmp for now.
-	 */
-#define	XKM_OUTPUT_DIR	"compiled/"
 #define	PRE_ERROR_MSG "\"The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:\""
 #define	ERROR_PREFIX	"\"> \""
 #define	POST_ERROR_MSG1 "\"Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server\""
@@ -179,6 +174,45 @@ OutputDirectory(
 static Bool    	
+Sha1Asc(char sha1Asc[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1], const char * input)
+    int i;
+    unsigned char sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+#ifdef HAVE_SHA1_IN_LIBMD /* Use libmd for SHA1 */
+    SHA1_CTX ctx;
+    SHA1Init (&ctx);
+    SHA1Update (&ctx, input, strlen(input));
+    SHA1Final (sha1, &ctx);
+#else /* Use OpenSSL's libcrypto */
+    SHA_CTX ctx;
+    int success;
+    success = SHA1_Init (&ctx);
+    if (! success)
+	return BadAlloc;
+    success = SHA1_Update (&ctx, input, strlen(input));
+    if (! success)
+	return BadAlloc;
+    success = SHA1_Final (sha1, &ctx);
+    if (! success)
+	return BadAlloc;
+    /* convert sha1 to sha1_asc */
+    for(i=0; i<SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i) {
+        sprintf(sha1Asc+i*2, "%02X", sha1[i]);
+    }
+    return Success;
+/* call xkbcomp and compile XKB keymap, return xkm file name in
+   nameRtrn */
+static Bool
 XkbDDXCompileKeymapByNames(	XkbDescPtr		xkb,
 				XkbComponentNamesPtr	names,
 				unsigned		want,
@@ -187,7 +221,11 @@ XkbDDXCompileKeymapByNames(	XkbDescPtr		xkb,
 				int			nameRtrnLen)
     FILE *	out;
-    char	*buf = NULL, keymap[PATH_MAX], xkm_output_dir[PATH_MAX];
+    char *	buf = NULL, xkmfile[PATH_MAX], xkm_output_dir[PATH_MAX];
+    char *	tmpXkmFile = NULL;
+    char *	canonicalXkmFileName = NULL;
+    char	sha1Asc[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH*2+1], xkbKeyMapBuf[100*1024];
+    int	ret, result;
     const char	*emptystring = "";
     const char	*xkbbasedirflag = emptystring;
@@ -198,16 +236,70 @@ XkbDDXCompileKeymapByNames(	XkbDescPtr		xkb,
     /* WIN32 has no popen. The input must be stored in a file which is
        used as input for xkbcomp. xkbcomp does not read from stdin. */
     char tmpname[PATH_MAX];
-    const char *xkmfile = tmpname;
+    const char *xkbfile = tmpname;
-    const char *xkmfile = "-";
+    const char *xkbfile = "-";
-    snprintf(keymap, sizeof(keymap), "server-%s", display);
+    /* Write keymap source (xkbfile) to memory buffer `xkbKeyMapBuf',
+       of which SHA1 is generated and used as result xkm file name  */
+    memset(xkbKeyMapBuf, 0, sizeof(xkbKeyMapBuf));
+    out = fmemopen(xkbKeyMapBuf, sizeof(xkbKeyMapBuf), "w");
+    if (NULL == out) {
+        ErrorF("[xkb] Open xkbKeyMapBuf for writing failed\n");
+        return False;
+    }
+    ret = XkbWriteXKBKeymapForNames(out, names, xkb, want, need);
+    if (fclose(out) !=0)
+    {
+        ErrorF("[xkb] XkbWriteXKBKeymapForNames error, perhaps xkbKeyMapBuf is too small\n");
+        return False;
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    if (xkbDebugFlags) {
+       ErrorF("[xkb] XkbDDXCompileKeymapByNames compiling keymap:\n");
+       fputs(xkbKeyMapBuf, stderr);
+    }
+    if (!ret) {
+        ErrorF("[xkb] Generating XKB Keymap failed, giving up compiling keymap\n");
+        return False;
+    }
+    DebugF("[xkb] computing SHA1 of keymap\n");
+    if (Success == Sha1Asc(sha1Asc, xkbKeyMapBuf)) {
+        snprintf(xkmfile, sizeof(xkmfile), "server-%s", sha1Asc);
+    }
+    else {
+        ErrorF("[xkb] Computing SHA1 of keymap failed, "
+               "using display name instead as xkm file name\n");
+        snprintf(xkmfile, sizeof(xkmfile), "server-%s", display);
+    }
-    XkbEnsureSafeMapName(keymap);
+    XkbEnsureSafeMapName(xkmfile);
     OutputDirectory(xkm_output_dir, sizeof(xkm_output_dir));
+    /* set nameRtrn, fail if it's too small */
+    if ((strlen(xkmfile)+1 > nameRtrnLen) && nameRtrn) {
+        ErrorF("[xkb] nameRtrn too small to hold xkmfile name\n");
+        return False;
+    }
+    strncpy(nameRtrn, xkmfile, nameRtrnLen);
+    /* if the xkm file already exists, reuse it */
+    canonicalXkmFileName = Xprintf("%s%s.xkm", xkm_output_dir, xkmfile);
+    if (access(canonicalXkmFileName, R_OK) == 0) {
+        /* yes, we can reuse the old xkm file */
+        LogMessage(X_INFO, "XKB: reuse xkmfile %s\n", canonicalXkmFileName);
+        result = True;
+        goto _ret;
+    }
+    LogMessage(X_INFO, "XKB: generating xkmfile %s\n", canonicalXkmFileName);
+    /* continue to call xkbcomp to compile the keymap. to avoid race
+       condition, we compile it to a tmpfile then rename it to
+       xkmfile */
 #ifdef WIN32
     strcpy(tmpname, Win32TempDir());
     strcat(tmpname, "\\xkb_XXXXXX");
@@ -230,19 +322,30 @@ XkbDDXCompileKeymapByNames(	XkbDescPtr		xkb,
+    if ( (tmpXkmFile = tempnam(xkm_output_dir, NULL)) == NULL ) {
+        ErrorF("[xkb] Can't generate temp xkm file name");
+        result = False;
+        goto _ret;
+    }
     buf = Xprintf("\"%s%sxkbcomp\" -w %d %s -xkm \"%s\" "
-		  "-em1 %s -emp %s -eml %s \"%s%s.xkm\"",
+		  "-em1 %s -emp %s -eml %s \"%s\"",
 		  xkbbindir, xkbbindirsep,
 		  ( (xkbDebugFlags < 2) ? 1 :
 		    ((xkbDebugFlags > 10) ? 10 : (int)xkbDebugFlags) ),
-		  xkbbasedirflag, xkmfile,
+		  xkbbasedirflag, xkbfile,
-		  xkm_output_dir, keymap);
+		  tmpXkmFile);
     if (xkbbasedirflag != emptystring) {
+    /* there's a potential race condition between calling tempnam()
+       and invoking xkbcomp to write the result file (potential temp
+       file name conflicts), but since xkbcomp is a standalone
+       program, we have to live with this */
 #ifndef WIN32
     out= Popen(buf,"w");
@@ -250,31 +353,43 @@ XkbDDXCompileKeymapByNames(	XkbDescPtr		xkb,
     if (out!=NULL) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (xkbDebugFlags) {
-       ErrorF("[xkb] XkbDDXCompileKeymapByNames compiling keymap:\n");
-       XkbWriteXKBKeymapForNames(stderr,names,xkb,want,need);
+        /* write XKBKeyMapBuf to xkbcomp */
+        if (EOF==fputs(xkbKeyMapBuf, out))
+        {
+            ErrorF("[xkb] Sending keymap to xkbcomp failed\n");
+            result = False;
+            goto _ret;
-	XkbWriteXKBKeymapForNames(out,names,xkb,want,need);
 #ifndef WIN32
 	if (Pclose(out)==0)
 	if (fclose(out)==0 && System(buf) >= 0)
+        /* xkbcomp success */
             if (xkbDebugFlags)
                 DebugF("[xkb] xkb executes: %s\n",buf);
-	    if (nameRtrn) {
-		strncpy(nameRtrn,keymap,nameRtrnLen);
-		nameRtrn[nameRtrnLen-1]= '\0';
+            /* if canonicalXkmFileName already exists now, we simply
+               overwrite it, this is OK */
+            ret = rename(tmpXkmFile, canonicalXkmFileName);
+            if (0 != ret) {
+                ErrorF("[xkb] Can't rename %s to %s, error: %s\n",
+                       tmpXkmFile, canonicalXkmFileName,
+                       strerror(errno));
+                /* in case of error, don't unlink tmpXkmFile, leave it
+                   for debugging */
+                result = False;
+                goto _ret;
-            if (buf != NULL)
-                xfree (buf);
-	    return True;
+            result = True;
+            goto _ret;
-	    LogMessage(X_ERROR, "Error compiling keymap (%s)\n", keymap);
+           LogMessage(X_ERROR, "Error compiling keymap (%s)\n", xkbfile);
 #ifdef WIN32
         /* remove the temporary file */
@@ -289,9 +404,17 @@ XkbDDXCompileKeymapByNames(	XkbDescPtr		xkb,
     if (nameRtrn)
 	nameRtrn[0]= '\0';
+    result = False;
+    if (tmpXkmFile)
+        free(tmpXkmFile);
+    if (canonicalXkmFileName)
+        xfree(canonicalXkmFileName);
     if (buf != NULL)
         xfree (buf);
-    return False;
+    return result;
 static FILE *
@@ -375,7 +498,6 @@ unsigned	missing;
 	DebugF("Loaded XKB keymap %s, defined=0x%x\n",fileName,(*xkbRtrn)->defined);
-    (void) unlink (fileName);
     return (need|want)&(~missing);

Li, Yan

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