Horizontal mouse wheel (a4tech mouse) with X ?

v_2e at ukr.net v_2e at ukr.net
Thu Nov 5 13:54:28 PST 2009

  I have WOP-35 4DMouse from A4Tech (5 buttons, 2 wheels) and I've got almost exactly the same problem. I've spent entire day trying to get my 2nd mouse wheel work properly in X. But nothing helps.
  Using "evtest /dev/input/event3" command gave the following result in my case:

-----===== Quote begins =====-----
Input driver version is 1.0.0
Input device ID: bus 0x11 vendor 0x2 product 0x6 version 0x0
Input device name: "ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse"
Supported events:
  Event type 0 (Sync)
  Event type 1 (Key)
    Event code 272 (LeftBtn)
    Event code 273 (RightBtn)
    Event code 274 (MiddleBtn)
    Event code 275 (SideBtn)
    Event code 276 (ExtraBtn)
  Event type 2 (Relative)
    Event code 0 (X)
    Event code 1 (Y)
    Event code 6 (HWheel)
    Event code 8 (Wheel)
Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
Event: time 1257457054.329495, type 2 (Relative), code 8 (Wheel), value 1      //1st wheel up
Event: time 1257457054.329503, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1257457054.680912, type 2 (Relative), code 8 (Wheel), value -1      //1st wheel down
Event: time 1257457054.680920, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1257457055.362565, type 2 (Relative), code 8 (Wheel), value 2      //2nd wheel up
Event: time 1257457055.362573, -------------- Report Sync ------------
Event: time 1257457055.795272, type 2 (Relative), code 8 (Wheel), value -2      //2nd wheel down
Event: time 1257457055.795279, -------------- Report Sync ------------
-----===== Quote ends =====-----
  So, I see, my mouse generates different events (different values), but the same codes ("code 8') while in the beginning I saw the string "Event code 6 (HWheel)", which - I thought - must be generated by 2nd mouse wheel rotation.
  Now I don't know how to use the differences discovered by 'evtest' to make the wheels work properly. Maybe someone of you guys knows?
  Thanks for any help!

  Regards, Vladimir.

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